

Here you will find the story behind the conception of Linge's Zorglandgoed.


For a long time Nicoline has had the idea of starting a small scale habitat in a rural area near a small town, where both the patients and the area’s elderly population will be able to make use of the services offered by the new care facility.

Years ago Nicoline talked to her mother about this idea. Now that she has had the experience of being a team leader at a nursing home the time has come to realize her idea. During the development of the plans we were lead by our ideal vision.

Our vision is based on a personal, affordable and high quality care, in which the present, the past and the self sufficiency of the patient are given wide berth. Placing the patients at the center is put in a different light and we will focus fully on the wellbeing of the patients. Our goal in this is that the estate is accessible for every patient in our demographic without financial thresholds. We are organizing this by offering AWBZ care, where every patient, based on their personal financial situation, makes a contribution to the government.

We have researched possibilities to develop the agricultural location of Rumpt to form a new care estate. In 2006 the current owner together with the county Geldermalsen planned to turn the land into an estate. These plans however were never further developed. In March 2008 the county Geldermalsen has determined its own estate vision “Land goed voor landschap”.

A care estate has its own demands and conditions. In order to merge our plans and ideas with the location we requested B4o estate architecture, city planning and recreational development to perform a first study into a care estate and how to integrate this in the location. This has been worked out to become an estate plan which offers space to cost effectively integrate a care estate. For this it was important to approach the area planned for the estate from a larger context. The plan here is to take the current area and develop this in such a way that it will positively affect nature, the surrounding population and in a modest way the recreational possibilities of the area.

By properly approaching the cultural history, ecological and environmental layers and integrating them with the new recreational and functional layers an attractive new care estate will emerge within the county Geldermalsen